Porter | New Jersey Studio Dog Photography

Porter the pit bull has cat-like reflexes when playing with his ball. His feline qualities also extend to his physique – check out his profile portrait – very cat-like looking indeed. And he has a thunderbolt on his chest….such a unique marking.

Porter’s dad, Mike of Mike’s Courtside Bar and Grill let me know ahead of the session that Porter is allergic to metal and jalapeños. Not sure how he found that out but I cleared out all of the jalapeños in the studio prior to the session.  Jalapeño free studio here.

cute_dog_por_maryanne_broderick-14I will not enter the scary box….your treats cannot tempt me



Have you ever seen a dog with a thunderbolt on his chest? Please leave Porter some love below.

Mary Anne Broderick is a New Jersey pet photographer specializing in dog photography and pet photography. Contact the studio at info@maryannebroderickphoto.com to book your portrait session.

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florals & Nature

fine art photography

Mary Anne Broderick Photography

Millstone Township, New Jersey