Apollo, Boo, Coco and Espresso are Pomeranians who have been adopted by an amazing doggy mom. They are now leading the good life having left behind some difficult past situations. Coco Bear spent 9 years in a puppy mill and she can sometimes be fearful but has come such a long way. Boo has helped her tremendously. Espresso had 5 homes before being adopted into his now forever home. He is now a certified S.T.A.R. puppy. Apollo’s face says it all – he is calm and sweet. Love and devotion works wonders for animals and that is what this amazing doggy mom has given her pack of poms.
Mary Anne Broderick is a New Jersey pet photographer specializing in dog photography, cat photography and pet photography. Contact the studio at info@maryannebroderickphoto.com to book your portrait session.
View the personal pages of other pets photographed by Mary Anne Broderick here.
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